The keylogger starts simulating key data from internal hardware memory

Most of these will result in a DLL showing up as mapped to the process's address space.

Take a look at this picture:. What is the topmost entry in that list? It's a pyd , or python extension, file. DLL Injection of the keylogging variety will load its DLL into all of the target address spaces - can't capture everything if you don't. So one thing to look out for would be strange DLLs you cannot attribute to products whose purpose you know.

They'll show up in this list for all processes. Of the techniques described on wikipedia, the only one that I've not seen is the CreateRemoteThread variety - I'm uncertain if the outcome would be to attach a thread to the image or execute a thread with a name DllMain. Thanks to process explorer, we can still see what threads are executing what:. Well, they could well be named to coincide with the obvious user There's a number of experiments we could perform to work out if that's the case, if we so wanted. These are left as an exercise to the reader don't you just hate it when people say that!

So that covers user-mode-obvious-keylogger-mode. There are some less obvious places a keylogger could be embedded but they'd unlikely be global ones. However, things get really exciting when you start talking about kernel level hooks. There's an excellent article by Mark R and Bryce Cogswell on this topic, although it needs updating with the following caveat:. So, if you're running bit windows, you could still have some form of kernel level hooking installed and working; if you're using bit it is much less likely - given KPP has been bypassed before and is constantly changing, I would bet on you being free of kernel hooks on x64 as windows updates would crash the monitoring product system periodically.

Software just doesn't sell on that basis. Of course, caveats here are that no windows executables have been patched directly, or some such malfeasance that is beyond our ability to trivially detect. That's directly looking at the system, but is no means a complete solution. If you believe the logging software is phoning home, a transparent proxy might help you identify where - i. Basically, there is no way to detect this other than taking the system apart and comparing to a trusted implementation.

It has been proven to be theoretically impossible to create a program which would be able to analyze an arbitrary piece of code and determine if is going to halt eventually or run forever given a particular input halting problem , which in turn means a whole lot for scanners which are meant to determine if an arbitrary binary is going to put your machine in a particular undesirable state.

As a further complication, key loggers do not need to be software installed within your operating system - they might be a hardware component as well. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

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Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Can I determine if my computer has a key logger installed?

He does have administrator rights. Plutor 1 3 4.

Tools and components

Not all administrator rights are created equal. Further, keep in mind that a key logger need not be software. Hardware key loggers exist. I find these statements to be typically contradictory: A list of organizations secret and work flows is attached in the document DavidStratton If you really mean that, you can.

KeyGrabber - Hardware Keylogger - Open source DIY hardware keylogger

Start a bounty on this question, then award it to Iszi. That's their right as property owners. If they wanted to do this to your personally-owned computer though, that would be a completely different discussion. But if you want to browse the Internet without worrying about your employer spying on you, don't use company equipment - that's not what it's for.

Take a look at this picture: Thanks to process explorer, we can still see what threads are executing what: There's an excellent article by Mark R and Bryce Cogswell on this topic, although it needs updating with the following caveat: What can you do versus a bit hook? Do the same thing, but offline, so that the driver can't prevent you from looking. I discovered this using serial cables - firewire's much faster. Then, on your source machine, start kd and set a break point on module loading, then step through all the modules that load, making a note of them.

Not much a driver can do to hide itself from you before its started.

As you can no doubt tell, a lot of the techniques available to you depend on two things: Investigating might be contrary to your AUP. It might also be illegal where you live. If you try everything I suggest and turn up nothing, follow Iszi's advice , assume that any monitoring program is better than you are. You are not likely to make any friends amongst IT Support and Sysadmins analysing their systems like this. If you're worried not saying you are, just an example that your employer s spying on you to determine whether you spend your day playing farmville, well, they don't need a keylogger to do that - if you're connected via their network they ought to be able to log your connections.

SSL will hide the content, but not the source or destination. In my experience, rumours of keyloggers usually turn out to be just that - rumours. However, please note that this DIY hardware keylogger project is provided as is , with all faults, and with no warranty whatsoever. Tools and components Before you start, go down this list to check if you have all the tools and skills needed to accomplish this hardware keylogger project: Put it together Program the keylogger microcontroller firmware first.

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  2. Can You Spy on a Android Phone That is Turned Off!
  3. Open source DIY hardware keylogger.
  4. .
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Start your programmer software, pick the AT89C, and burn the flash with the binary file or the hex version. You may also recompile the source using the source code and an compiler. Soldering is probably the most difficult part of the project, as the keylogger hardware should be made as small as possible.

The keylogger hardware schematics below show how connections should be made between components. Unused IC pins can be removed.

AirDrive USB Keylogger & RS232 Logger

Make sure the push button is accessible. When mounting the capacitor, make sure it's biased correctly. Make the hardware keylogger as compact as possible, however avoid short circuits. They will be difficult to remove after the device is finished. The keylogger circuit should look somewhat like the prototype shown on the photo, after the main components are connected.

Make sure you put the heat shrink tubing on one part of the cable. Before pulling the thermal tubing around the hardware keylogger, a good idea is to let some glue or resin in between the components, to make the device more rigid. Finally pull the thermal tubing on, heat it until it wraps around the soldered components, and cut out a small hole so the button is accessible.

Record mode The hardware keylogger starts recording key data once plugged between the keyboard and the computer. The keylogger is completely transparent for computer operation and cannot be detected by software in record mode. Record mode is completely independent from the operating system installed on the computer. Connect the hardware keylogger in place of the keyboard.

Connect the keyboard to the keylogger. On computer power-up data will start recording. The hardware keylogger does this by simulating keyboard keystrokes. The transmitted keystroke data is acquired by a the KeyGrab application. Once this data has been transmitted to the computer, it can be processed and analyzed. Follow the instructions for initiating data download. Run the KeyGrab application. Connect the hardware keylogger instead of the keyboard. Do not connect the keyboard.

Click on the KeyGrab title bar to make it the active application. Press the button on the hardware keylogger to initiate data download. Do not change the active application during transmission. Press the button again to finish transmission. Do this when the desired keystroke data has been downloaded to the PC. Data analysis When downloading keystroke data to the KeyGrab main table, it's automatically preprocessed to show key data that logged during recording.

Data is transmitted in descending order, to show keys pressed recently first. Keystrokes that occurred a long time ago are transmitted later. You can analyze the table manually, or use some of the search options. The only column that is of any interest to the user is Key 2 and Action 3. These columns code what keys have been pressed and released. Scroll the bar to see the keystroke history during recording. Keylogger data is transmitted in reverse chronological order recent keystroke data first.

Source code - diy. BIN file - diy. Things you should know We encourage you to read this section to avoid problems that might occur using the hardware keylogger. Legal liability Countries have different laws about logging keyboard data.