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If my daughter had committed suicide, I do not know what my wife and I would have done to survive. I cannot imagine that pain. We will now get her the help she needs, and I will monitor her phone activity. The worst thing we might do is sneak out a window and go to a party or meet up with friends. We need to help them understand the way the world works, because it is too much for them to process. Good luck to you all and God bless. Sam, thank you so much for your message. It really is so hard for parents to know just what level of monitoring or any at all is appropriate, and at what age.

My sensible, never been home late, clever, smart, 14yo daughter got caught up in this world of peer pressure and ended up in a terrible state.

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I trusted her totally and when I finally hacked her instagram I was devastated by what I found. Sorry to hear your daughter got caught up in a bad situation. My child seems like he is on that phone constantly, is there a way to monitor the you tube videos he is watching? I have a few articles about YouTube you might want to take a look at. Which apps handle wifi and incognito browsing? My daughter was friended by an adult male on her secret from parents fb page.

He started sending and requesting graphic inappropriate photos and videos right away. She asked if it was illegal because she was a minor then proceeded to send them. We discovered and stopped it, but months later my husband had a dream and we checked at her school and she had managed to bypass the system and get in on her assigned laptop. We have other children at home — he could have been a trafficker! We reported it all to the police. Most of the parental controls listed here , when in use, will prevent Incognito browsing.

Some go even further and allow you to block any FB activity or other activity at certain times of day. Others such as uKnowKids can be used to allow Facebook but view activity and be notified of any potential issues. My other list of parental controls that cover every device in the home is also worth a look because they can apply settings to all Wifi activity without having to install things on each device, and some can different setting for different family members. Does anyone know of an iphone app that you can moniter the kids text messages with any pictures that were sent?

Also a tracker that can open the camera as well to see where the kid is? Hi Michelle — one that comes to mind is uKnowKids. TeenSafe can also monitor text messages on iPhone. Phone sheriff does not do what they say. Only some of the features work at any given time.

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Others will just stop working with no warning. Tech support does not resolve the problems, IF you can even get a hold of them usually have to keep emailing back and forth and then you get a canned response. The money has been spent but the monitoring is not functioning properly. Has been extremely frustrating experience. Hi Michelle, Thanks for sharing your experience and sorry to hear that you have not been able to get the product to work as it should even after contacting their tech support. The TeenShield website looks a lot like the website for TeenSafe, almost as if they copied the design!

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Looks like a similar solution. My year old son wants to be on snapchat and so I got my own account to look into it and see how it works. Hi Diane, Excellent question and unfortunately the answer is no. And I agree with your assessment of the content there!

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So its likely once they start using the app they would see all those headlines. What cell phone activity do you want to monitor? Are you most concerned with: Text message monitoring Phone call monitoring i. Inappropriate content — are websites appropriate Driving — is my teen staying safe when behind the wheel? No texting and driving! Start with your cell phone service provider First off, all the wireless companies Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, etc.

How do I monitor my kids' cell phone use without seeming intrusive?

Are you monitoring an Android, iPhone, other smart phone or basic phone? Parental Control services and software for cell phones There are a slew of options available, which I have recently summarized here: If he'd like a diary, fine, I'm happy to get him one and I won't touch it, because that diary isn't a tool to communicate with the outside world and vice versa. It's also a far cry from creating a direct line into your home for people with less than good intentions for your child.

Don't ever let society push you into raising your child against your better judgement! I have posted some information on what took place with my two children and what I did. He Kids, as long as your parents are paying for your food, clothing, schooling AND phone You Don't Have Any Privacy. There are seriously sick predators out there. There are kids brutally bullying other kids. Even kids encouraging kids to commit suicide!

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Our job is to Keep You Safe. Try showing a little gratitude for what you have and a little respect for your parents. Your reputation is their reputation. In a few years, as you prepare your college applications, and after that your employment applications, you'll wonder why you ever posted such stupid stuff anyway! What goes around, comes around. Have a great day! You may pay for the phone It voids the warranty. Well, since you pay for it, that means you're paying for a new phone if you brick your kid's phone while jailbreaking it, apple will not help you at all, they will refuse you service.

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  • Also they can buy their own phone on certain carriers, so good luck if you're not paying for it. We will also find ways around your crappy spying techniques. Thank you for spreading the truth and caring more about your child's mind and safety than their "privacy"! Ok first of all, you parents are absolutely stupid.

    Because of this, I have many other apps to keep stuff secret etc. I hate that my parents do this and it absolutely pisses me off. It just is very sad how parents are so damn overprotective these days. Mobile Parenting has become a real thing. CommonSenseMedia despite what they say, is behind and always will be. Their "texting slang" is stuff people said in like Nobody uses any of that anymore.

    How do I monitor my kids' cell phone use without seeming intrusive?

    Snapchat, while the ninja spy thing that kids would use to hide from their parents at one point, is now as commonplace as twitter and new apps are being used. Let's just say that some of our newer apps are better than ghosting a vault app on the 88th page of our phone and putting a 20 digit password on it. Good luck, nosy parents: My parents have been monitoring all my devices without my consent for a long time and have been doing it in secrecy. To this day, they still think I don't know that they're monitoring me. But, I see why they would do this. Most of the time, teens are afraid of being monitored because they have some texts of being rude or spreading gossip, or they have some arguments with some random person on the internet or in rare cases, they're watching explicit videos, have inappropriate pictures or sexting.

    But, there must be limits. First, tell your kid what your doing.

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    Not telling your kid what you're doing can lead to them not trusting you even more and end up them hiding everything from you. Second, do weekly or monthly checks. Checking everyday can make your child think that you don't trust them at all. And finally, be casual about it.