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Make use of this characteristic to history routines from WhatsApp, iMessage and Skype and Viber messaging solutions applied to the objective phone. Supervise Social Media chats and understand how typically and exactly what the focus on cell phone consumer is sending text messages about. This mobile surveillance software means that you can see any videos and photos that have been stored around the objective cell phone.

Whenever your kids or employee information a youtube video or requires a image using their digicam mobile phone, it will likely be immediately uploaded to your TheTrustSpy account. Having chaired around the world, he is known for his accommodating and encouraging nature in bringing out the best possible debate from a council. Yushan is a freshman who has recently concluded her first year in university!

Also the person behind your study guides and country allocations, she looks forward to setting a satisfactory academic standard for the conference and meeting each and every one of you in person at AWMUN in Seoul this year! Yushan started MUNing 2. However, she is more than happy to engage in the activity once again.

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She recently concluded her role on the secretariat for SMUN as well. Outside of MUN, she enjoys terrorising people with her horrendous puns, jamming on her violin and painting her life away. If you wish to clarify any doubts with regards to academic matters, she can be reached at academics awmun. Dominique is a third year law student in Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.

Dominique has been involved in MUN ever since high school. Her passion in international affairs and global issues has driven her to achieve numerous awards in MUN. She will be serving as your Secretary-General in this Asia World MUN and she is looking forward to meet all the delegates and experience Seoul to the fullest! The name is Eriana Trihastuty. Presently, she is working as a researcher at a youth-based creative hub in the capital. Currently she is undergoing her mandatory pupilage period before being able to admit to the Malaysian Bar.

Due to the exposure during her internship in a NGO, she developed an interest in human rights and public affairs. She served as a volunteer during Asia World International Model United Nations , and assisted in various events throughout her study life. As a human rights activist, Patricia believes that everyone should have the right to justice and peaceful living. She personally considers the SDG 16 as a foundational goal; without strong institutions including observance of human rights and good governance and upholding of the Law, sustainable development could not be achieved.

And in reaching this goal, we, the youth should play a crucial role by holding institutions and governments accountable and ensuring inclusivity in the platforms we belong. My name is Febri and I am a third year law student at Universitas Indonesia. Previously, I was involved in numerous international law-related competitions, most notably the Philip C.

See you in Seoul! In his day job, Ma Tian is a lieutenant in the Singapore Armed Forces, heading a training and general staff wing in the army. Beneath the camouflaged uniform that is his officer attire, however, resides a passionate MUNner of more than two years.

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He is personally vested in investigating how the intersection of numerous soft skills involved in the sport can be utilised across disciplines, with his efforts culminating in his founding an education start-up inspired by such skills. He has long been attracted by the heuristic mechanisms, in terms of logical reasoning and critical thinking, that the study of law hones.

It is therefore the intersection between his MUN and legal interests that brings him to the directorship of the Legal Committee. As a director, he promises to not just bring to participants a fulfilling and stimulating MUN experience this instance but also, above and beyond, a springboard for delegates to develop themselves as acute thinkers and drivers of tomorrow. Driven by his passion for entrepreneurship, he established his own little startup called Yonedal Labs, dedicated to hardware design and green energy. In parallel to that, he is pursuing a Master degree and is working as a freelance translator and tutor.

He took part in many volunteerism missions around Malaysia, and served as event manager on different occasions. He loves traveling as a nomad, and cooking, including cooking food for thought. Furthermore, he enjoys reading, sports, and playing musical instruments as his main hobby. He is highly dedicated to advancing his knowledge regarding human rights issues, especially in his country and would appreciate and address any inquiries regarding Indonesian human rights.

Sophie Ang is a second-year double degree student studying at Yale-NUS College, managing her time between rushing law assignments and meeting deadlines for her creative writing class. Her overwhelming academic obligations means that Model UN no longer occupies the central place in her life it once did. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, drawing and K-pop dance. She is excited to be your head director and looks forward to meeting all of you and seeing a nuanced and engaging conversation on the two topics to be discussed.

Shevinu, living currently in Melbourne is a bubbly person who will certainly make any commmitte fun to be in. Known for his crazy travel adventures, constant sarcasm, over-the-speed-limit driving and the passion to meet new people, he invites everyone to actively participate and most importantly to have a wonderful time at AWMUN During her first year of college she encounters her first Model United Nations and fell in love ever since. The issue of environment has been one of her many interest and she continues that passion as an active spokesperson of the environment.

In the past she has the privileged to be trained by former U. Good day, fellow MUN Enthusiasts!

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My name is Kevin Joel Anthony, but all my friends know me as Joel go ahead and call me that. I am currently in my last year studying International Relations in Universitas Indonesia minoring in non-traditional security studies. However, most of my time I spend sitting in front of my PS4 for hours or producing some sweat throwing hoops.

Focusing on his MUN Morocco position, its missions and tasks, his role ranges from planning training programs and simulations, finding sources of funding for these programs to coaching the participants in the workings of different international bodies. He also coordinates with and coaches different student clubs from different Moroccan higher education institutes to organize simulations and events at their respective schools. Mohamed Limame also coordinates with and invites different speakers and trainers who are experts in their fields to take part in the different events his initiative organizes to lecture, train and coach the delegates and participants in the organized simulations.

Jesita Ajani is a second-year student majoring in Economics. Her interest in global economic issues has been the driving force of her motivation to participate in MUN conferences.

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Jesita has competed in numerous speech and debate competitions since junior high school along with other endeavours. But you should always be careful when you use such tricks; if your partner gets to know, she might not take it very lightly. If your wife is extra cautious and has password protected her phone, you have to be a little more clever and either guess her password or acquire it in some way, without letting her know. There are many apps available over the internet and downloading and using these apps are really easy. You just need to download such apps on both the phone and then you can put login credentials to access.

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