Android Track Location In Background

Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. The service is to retrieve the user location and post it to server.

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But, I don't know if there's still any way I can improve my code so that: It's saving much battery power Memory friendly The code is easier to read and maintain. Stephen Rauch 3, 5 14 Vijesh Krishna 1 1. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Create a GPS Location Tracker app in Android - Tutorial with Example

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java - Android Studio Background Service to Update Location - Code Review Stack Exchange

Now we should get a reference to LocationService object. After instantiating a LocationManager object, you need to setup various parameters. It is a bit tricky. After instantiate a Criteria object,.

real time location tracking in background

Below is the Criteria class reference. Check it if you are interested in other options for these parameters. The role of minimum duration and distance is a type of filter to avoid your location callback functions from being called too frequent. Minimum time of milli seconds means, after getting a location, you are going to get next location from the LocationManager roughly after milli seconds.

Foreground app behavior is preserved

Minimum distance of 1 meter means, after getting a location, you are getting next location after you have moved roughly 1 meter. If you are making an app like Uber, location updates can be less frequent.

Understanding the code

You may want to set the values to 10 seconds and 10 meters. Information about the location provider is given via LocationListener interface. Here you can send individual GPS data to the emulator. Here is Extended controls.